롤러팩토리448 The Anatomy of Shapes The Anatomy of Shapes tote bag/ print This is my personal project that shows the process of making the print and tote. 2014. 1. 16. West Elm Towels & Totes West Elm's product team approached my fellow graphic designer, Alba Hollister-Ruiz, and I to create a collection of vintage-inspired graphic tea towels, some typographic, some illustrative, for an upcoming season. I hand-lettered and drew all of the type and illustrations in a variety of styles that all fit in with the Market aesthetic. Alba and I then also had the opportunity to design a series.. 2014. 1. 16. MOTORUSH 2014. 1. 15. FREELANCE. WEARIN' PYJAMAS EVERY DAY. FREELANCE. WEARIN' PYJAMAS EVERY DAY. Project inspired in the way of life of freelance that work at home. Screenprint from a handmade photolith. Size A4 Avaliable boy size L colour mottled navy blue letters in white. Girl size XL mottled grey letters in white or black. Also avaliable tote bag. Colours: Red, black, navy blue, blue, green or orange. Jan 2014 2014. 1. 15. CD Typography I ❤ CD's Old Typography Collection by Mats Ottdal This is my tribute to the Compact Disc format before it settles down into the grave with the Compact Cassette. I've always loved the CD format, the jewel case, though I've never made one, or worked with a musician. Its just a nice format, and the thought that visual expression and typography can describe music has always been appealing to me. T.. 2014. 1. 14. This is how we do it..! 2014. 1. 14. 이전 1 ··· 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 ··· 75 다음