롤러팩토리448 WE ARE DESIGNADDICTED . BLVCK TISSUE ALLOVER T-SHIRT BLVCK TISSUE ALLOVER PRINT SHIRT AVAILABLE NOW WEAREDESIGNADDICTED.COM THANKS.FOR.YOUR.TIME HOPE.YOU.ENJOYED.MY.FIRST.ALLOVER.PRINT.SHIRT LABEL LIKE US ON FACEBOOK STVDIO LIKE US ON FACEBOOK CREATIVE DIRECTION & DESIGN BY MAURICE SCHILLING PHOTOGRAPHY BY MAURICE SCHILLING DESIGNADDICTED.DE 2013. 11. 24. Sticky Soda Prints are available up on INPRNT. Devastator Funk Funky Love Bot. Sir Psycho. Chairman Badfunk. Photo by Cassie Fuertez. 2013. 11. 22. Monster Mosh 2013. 11. 22. 123KLAN ARTBOOK DELUXE EDITION We are very proud to officially announce the launch of our new Artbook De Luxe edition, freshly published by LABEL619. This book includes all our latest productions, so if you love Graffiti, Graphic design, Toy design and street wear like us, this 304 pages heavy book should satisfy you. You can order it here on BANDIT1SM right now! each copy of the book comes with a double sticker sheet all die.. 2013. 11. 18. MUSIC FESTIVAL 2013. 11. 18. Bosco Restaurant Below you can see the results of a new project done for Bosco, a bar / restaurant in Amsterdam. We were asked to decorate the only left empty wall of this restaurant, only one year after we decorated all the other walls > see here. This time we choose to bring some color in! Jerry Gestift did the illustrations of the food and i made all the typography. Lasrecutting & CNC was done by Open Design .. 2013. 11. 17. 이전 1 ··· 70 71 72 73 74 75 다음