디자인88 Botanica 2014. 1. 7. Flash Cards 2014. 1. 5. Crows' Nest Corporate identity for the vintage store Crows' Nest. Inspiration was vintage wrought signs and wheathervanes. To reproduce vintage style we've used natural materials, textured and kraft paper. Monochrome black printing supplements warm shades of stationery. As a brand graphic there were chosen illustrations of black crows and feathers. Pavel Emelyanov - art direction, design, set design, photog.. 2014. 1. 5. Super hero's stationery 2014. 1. 4. Eric Church: Musical Identity Eric Church: Musical Identity. Personal Project. This is a personal project that I created as a tribute for country music star Eric Church. Church is a country music hero in my small town and I really wanted to design some elements that embody his unique style. It started off as just a CD case and it grew to posters and bottle designs to even cigars. Without a doubt this is the most fun i've eve.. 2014. 1. 4. Laus 2013 In 2013 the Association of Graphic Designers and Art Directors FAD (ADG-FAD) asked Erretres to design the graphic image of Laus Awards, the most prestigious graphic design and communication awards in Spain. They wanted to reflect the concept of gold this year (Gold Laus is the highest award in each category), so we based the image of the awards on the Gold Rush and the idea of the desire for a s.. 2014. 1. 3. 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ··· 15 다음