디자인88 Searching the New Language Searching The New Language is an experimental culture festival that took place in Moscow, Russia, in May 2012. The festival was an experimental research introducing new forms of culture, social practices and knowledge and its main goal was to change the way of thinking about creativity, social communication and the world in whole. Navigation symbols: non-existing geometric figures Posters The we.. 2013. 12. 14. Illustrated Playing Cards llustrated Playing Cards Limited Edition Incredible men and their amazing stories made by Tomski&Polanski - deck of 32 cards + 1 reserve card - the numbering includes VII, VIII, IX, X, Under, Over, King and Ace - Central European version 2013. 12. 14. 50 Handlettered Logotypes_04 Thanks for watching!!! Visit my sites Facebook Instagram Contact with me mat3usz32@gmail.com mateuszwitczakdesigns#gmail.com 2013. 12. 13. 50 Handlettered Logotypes_03 Thanks for watching!!! Visit my sites Facebook Instagram Contact with me mat3usz32@gmail.com mateuszwitczakdesigns#gmail.com 2013. 12. 13. 50 Handlettered Logotypes_02 Thanks for watching!!! Visit my sites Facebook Instagram Contact with me mat3usz32@gmail.com mateuszwitczakdesigns#gmail.com 2013. 12. 13. 50 Handlettered Logotypes_01 Thanks for watching!!! Visit my sites Facebook Instagram Contact with me mat3usz32@gmail.com mateuszwitczakdesigns#gmail.com 2013. 12. 13. 이전 1 ··· 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ··· 15 다음