디자인88 Fancy Ape Self Promo Mini Figure 2013. 11. 27. Fur I Experiments on upper head. Fur and hair growth abnormality covering all the face. 2013. 11. 23. Ride it! 2013. 11. 23. AUDI A4 ROBOTS COMMERCIAL At this project we work doing the sequence into the TV,we did the next gen robot in the television. I did the concept design of the white next gen robot,3D model,Uvs and textures. The premise of this concept was to do something similar to Chris Cuningham's Bjork musical videclip and is not difficult to see the reference in the final look. At the beginning of the preproduction design I like to wo.. 2013. 11. 22. Sticky Soda Prints are available up on INPRNT. Devastator Funk Funky Love Bot. Sir Psycho. Chairman Badfunk. Photo by Cassie Fuertez. 2013. 11. 22. Monster Mosh 2013. 11. 22. 이전 1 ··· 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 다음