디자인88 Chimère Founded in Paris by Marc Ange and Fred Stouls, Chimère is the first publisher of contemporary furniture dedicated to pets. I had the immense pleasure of working on the brand, from the birth of the logo to the final prototypes along with the Bloom Room family (Marc Ange, Philippe Ricaud, Antonin Maire d'Église and Théodore Beaufils). Credits : Bloom Room for Chimère Discover more at www.chimere-e.. 2013. 12. 3. Black'n'White Textile designs and illustrations made in 2012-2013 2013. 11. 30. illustration / january-june 13 it-calendar Secret Firmy magazine. Cultures Serviсes magazine (France) For librarium.fr 2013. 11. 30. Coq Rico 2013. 11. 28. Onepercenters Figures were handmade out of super sculpey clay, then sanded and handpainted with acrylic paint. Idea is to eventually produce them as a collectible designer toys. 2013. 11. 27. DOKAEBEE : Korean monster identity, character design While attempting to find a material for a heuristic education app for children, I chose to make use of one of Korean fairy tales, called DOKAEBEE. 'DOKAEBEE is the name of the character who appears as a monster in the story. It is able to transform into human, animals, objects, anything at its choice. As it became recognized as somewhat unfamiliar and outdated by children nowadays, I thought I c.. 2013. 11. 27. 이전 1 ··· 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 다음